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GP Referral

Updated: Feb 6, 2023

If you are suffering from a long-term illness/injury or have been advised by a doctor to exercise, then following a tailored program will contribute to a healthier lifestyle and amelioration of discomfort.

We cover a range of conditions, including high blood pressure, obesity, asthma, arthritis, diabetes, as well as anxiety and depression. Our aim is to get GP referred clients training for a minimum of half an hour, 5 times a week, as advised by the Government.

We understand how frustrating it is to feel like you are bound by chronic suffering. Surprisingly, oftentimes the physical limitations can be dealt with - it is the mental anguish that comes alongside which makes it 100 times worse. It’s seeing friends and family leading a ‘normal’ lifestyle while you have to deal with daily struggles. Comparing yourself to others is an automatic and innate reaction, however, it must be unlearned in order to find joy and meaning in your own life.

Our highly qualified personal trainers are equipped with the necessary knowledge to get you started on your journey to a healthier and happier you. Enjoying a range of physical activities designed specifically for you and your condition will undoubtedly prove to be an amazing investment in yourself.

So, what exactly will we be doing?

• Guiding you through your current condition by providing specific exercises for you - these will be designed so that you can also do them in your own time, by yourself or with minimum assistance

• Improving mental & physical well-being and energy levels

• Slowly building up your physical strength

• Providing specialist instruction, guidance and support

Don’t be afraid of taking that dreaded first step - you’ll thank yourself in a years time. It may be a roller coaster of a ride, as we often find that repressed emotion begins to surface when training with a mental or physical condition. This is normal and even cathartic. Our training instructors are qualified to deal with anything that may arise during your sessions.

Here at Arrow Fitness in Chiswick our Personal Trainers are level-3 fully qualified and have 10+ years of experience. Using our expert knowledge and experience of training clients with chronic illnesses/injuries we will design a tailored training programme that fits in with your current lifestyle and works specifically for you.

If you would like to get started on your fitness journey and be able to work around your injury/illness please contact us via the methods below and we will be happy to help:

Phone: 07871 201334

or by filling out an enquiry form here.

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